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User research and testing

User research

Gathering user research & insight is at the very heart of a user-centric design process. From a business perspective, we can deliver what we think users may want and need, but the only way to truly know is to gather that insight directly from users.

We can do this in a number of ways: gathering current site activity through stats, 1:1 or group interviews with customers, surveys, call centre feedback analysis, talking to sales teams, seeing what compeititors offer. Gathering as much insight as possible is an essential part of the discovery process.

User testing

Once we have a well formed idea, or 'straw man', of what we are looking to develop - we test it! Testing is something we should welcome (not shy away from). If we have listened to our users and are tetsing early in the process, anything we learn from testing will have a positive impact on the development. We test with 'real' users of the system; representatives from the intended audience in an environment that mimicks their own working environment. Tests are designed to test the system, not the user. These sessions never fail to provide gems of information that can allow us to deliver something that not only functions, but provides the users with a reassuring experience that consistently meets and often exceeds expectations.

Our dedicated usability testing lab at our Southampton office boasts an industry-leading set of software and tools to support our testing: eye-tracking software, video and audio recording equipment, device testing hardware, remote viewer software are all available for use by anyone in the group.


Contact us

For all queries relating to this, please contact Ross Clarkson.