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Featured block

What is a featured block?

The featured block is commonly used to show lists of information in a more stylistic way. It does this by allowing the lists to sit alongside each other.

Originally designed for features and benefits of a product or service, the block can be adapted to any content which needs to be displayed as a series of lists. 




Featured block



  • Header (required)
  • Image - W 335px - H 280px (optional)
  • Sub heading (optional)
  • Summary text (optional)
  • Column 1 (required)
  • Column 2 (optional)
  • Supporting text (optional)

Usage guidelines


  • The sub heading should be used for small amounts of text such as intro's, straplines or short sentences.
  • Keep bullets short and concise taking into account there is a horizontal element to this
  • Images can be used to add more prominence to this block


  • Supporting text should not be any longer than 4 lines
  • Headers should not wrap over 2 lines
  • Do not include a call to action or links within this block


  • If only column 1 is used then this will span the full width of the block
  • If column 2 contains content then each column will span half of the block