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QI Article page

We have worked closely with the QI stakeholders to develop a revised approach to articles. Please use the following guidance when creating new articles, if you're not sure, please contact UX team.

Specific enhancements include:

  • Compliance tags within 'Text only header'
  • List block for links to specific articles/chapters within the page
  • 'Article blocks' for specific sections of the articles
  • Link to PDF download facility

Contact cards should also be added to all articles where an author can be referenced. we have future development planned to link to 'all articles by this author' and it will help us hugely if authors are already on the page.

Compliance tags

  • Compliance tags should be placed within the 'Text only header' - add the statements within the 'Description field'
  • These tags are usually the statements that appear at the top of the article and communicate suitability for sharing with clients. Statements include 'UK: Suitable for retail investors', 'Singapore: For sophisticated investors only' etc..
  • Tags will be confirmed by stakeholder
  • Where possible, try and keep these tags consistent (often they can be briefed in slightly differently)
  • Text only header can be personalised by role/region where specific statements are required


compliance tags in header.PNG

Please note: Development work is planned to make this tagging part of the CMS in a more formal manner. (February 2021)



List block for links to specific articles/sections within the page

  • Add anchor links within the article itself
  • You probably won't need to add a anchor link to the first section - it'll be right under the list block
  • Use a 'list block' to link to those specific articles/sections
  • Use on 'Between the lines' articles and/or those articles that have separate articles/chapters


articles within list  block.PNG

Using article blocks for article content

  • Using article blocks for content reduces sentence length considerably, ensuring large chunks of content are easier to read for the user
  • Image left or right aligned is still optional
  • Article blocks containing content, should only be used on 'Article template' pages. They are not appropriate for 'Centred Article Template' pages

article blocks for articles.PNG

Link to PDF download facility

  • Promo block will now be used for Download PDF facility
  • Please note wording changes below


keep or share PDF.PNG